Nelson Bible Baptist Church
believing, preaching, and teaching the King James Bible

Bible believing
Family oriented
Born again
Rightly dividing the word of truth
What are we like?
We are a group of people who love our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
We gather twice on a Sunday and once on a Wednesday evening for our church meetings, and we enjoy opening the Holy Bible to learn more about our God and his will for our lives. We love to spend time together in Christian fellowship and we believe it is important to share our faith with other people so that they too can be saved and have a home in Heaven with God.
What can you expect in a typical Sunday service?
-A friendly welcome
-Congregational singing and traditional Christian hymns
-King James Bible preaching
-Conversation and fellowship afterwards (tea & coffee after 4pm service)
If you are already a Christian and are looking for a Bible-teaching church, we would love to meet you and have you visit our church.
If you are not a Christian but would like to know what it is all about, please come and visit us. Bring your Bible questions with you.
A short testimony from our Pastor
My name is Joe Flynn, I am a born and bred Nelsonian. My wife's name is Holly. We have three young children; Calvary, Goshen & Beulah. We live in Stoke. God is good.
As a child, the Lord placed me with Christian parents where I thankfully learned the gospel at a young age. I made a profession of faith in The Lord Jesus Christ as a child. However, with a declining family situation and far too much freedom as a teenager, I rebelled and went the way of the world in all the foolishness and sin that I could find. At age 20, after wasting my teenage years on sin, the Lord got my attention and called me back to my home church, Nelson Bible Baptist, where I had previously sat under good solid Bible preaching as a boy. I again sat under the preaching of my pastor, Perry Mitchell and listened to the word of God. After some months the Holy Spirit placed me under enough conviction that I just had to make sure I was saved and forgiven. I did not want to go to Hell! On the 21st of November 2011, I called out to God for salvation, confessing Jesus Christ as my Saviour and trusting in his finished work on the cross to save me from Hell and give me everlasting life. I was saved and I knew it! God had washed me clean!
In the following years, the Lord stirred in me a keen interest in the word of God. I wanted to learn as much scripture as I could! Street evangelism, something sorely lacking the church today, became one of my passions not long after I was saved. The Lord helped me to be a faithful church member at NBBC and to soak up his word. God called me to preach and minister his word in early 2013 and I began studying God's word on my own while taking Bible classes with pastor Mitchell and learning to preach the Bible. In June 2020, after pastor Mitchells resignation, the church voted to accept me as their new pastor. And here we are!
In my short time walking with the Lord, I have been blessed to see God and his amazing grace work in my life and change me from a drunken idiot to a blood-bought saint who loves the Saviour.
With God’s help, I intend to continue ministering the word of God to his people and preach the gospel to a lost, sin-sick world.
I believe God is still at work today. I’ve seen his work in my life personally and in the lives of other Christians. I believe the glorious promises he gave us in his King James Bible, every single word.
Psalm 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
If there is anything I can help you with or any way our church can be a blessing to you please send me an email. We love God and we love you! If you have some Bible questions, if you would like to learn more about how to be saved, or if you are interested in knowing more about our church don't hesitate to ask! I'll do what I can to help.